The mainstream media used to be relatively friendly to Donald Trump. While they never particularly likes him, they gave him unlimited airtime during the primaries while largely ignoring the rest of the Republican field. It was clear that the ratings-hungry press — and especially CNN — were rooting for a Trump nomination. Some even mockingly referred to CNN as “TNN” (or “Trump News Network”) due to the massive amounts of time they devoted to the billionaire businessman.
Now that he has secured the nomination, however, CNN no longer has a reason to promote the GOP candidate. As such, they’ve begun to relentlessly attack Trump at every opportunity. The massive change in direction has minted a new nickname for CNN — the Clinton News Network.
Dismantling Trump has become so critical to CNN in recent months that they seem more concerned with landing an attack than caring if is actually true.
See CNN’s latest baseless attack on Donald Trump on the next page:
Take and get CNN off our airwaves… they are just another liberal mouth piece and cannot be trusted with reporting the truth or to be neutral in their reporting of the liberal libel truth.
I no longer trust any media. They all have their own agenda and will lie and twist the truth.
CNN fabricates MOST of what they say about Trump. They’re not called the Clinton News Network for NOTHING!
They don’t do as much damage as they hope, because they have lost what little credibility they ever had with the public, and most people simply IGNORE their lies and spin/
Typical CNN
not a surprise from cnn quit watching ten years ago when news became biased opinionated poppycock and avoided real world news
Thats what nazis do
You mean CNN lied, again.
I don’t watch them either
Clinton News Network. .. liars. Heaven forbid.