“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money” – Margaret Thatcher
But, don’t tell that to all those little entitled Reddit socialists still living in Mommy and Daddy’s basement. Yeah, the group who prefers spending their days online in internet chat rooms instead of going out and actually getting jobs.
A new Pew Research poll uncovered a lot of shocking new data on this new generation of self-described “free speech” hating freeloaders unable to function as adults in a modern society.
What percentage of people self-identifying as socialist would you guess actually had a job? And if you can even believe this is possible, the moral conundrum many “tolerant” young socialist are facing because their parents aren’t on board with socialism. But, legislation isn’t in place yet for the government to give them a free place to move into where they can escape the “intolerant” free homes of their parents. All on the next page along with the housing and employment stats for the younger generation of freeloading, communist idolizing youth in America today
What amazes me is they had to do a survey to know this,$#%&!@*we have said this for a year now, this is no surprise to anyone.
I don’t understand your fascination with people even if they do live with their parents to live with their parents. Have you any idea how hard it is to find housing or apartment in this country now? The price of living? No because most of you came up in a time where you could buy a car house and have a family off one salary. Times changed and that reality is gone.
More hot pockets…will keep them home
She turned it in to the police, it seems one of you idiots were spotted behind a dumpster jacking off to comic books! And you threw yours in the laundry basket with some kind of white mystery sauce on it!
I think we all knew this
I just farted and it’s all Trump’s fault.
These assholes really ARE MOMMY’S basement dwelling, fucktarded, libtard, crack head, assholes!
Well who profits from the New world order? The academics the government employees? Who’s self interest’s are they teaching. And now with socialist immigrants? From least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for unjust gain: from prophet to preist everyone deals falsely. Jeremiah 6-13. Top down, bottom up, inside out. Over run over whelm, over throw. Nebbaccannezzar! Know the story Isaiah. 46-8. Zeckariah 8-14
Why do you call it shocking?