“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money” – Margaret Thatcher
But, don’t tell that to all those little entitled Reddit socialists still living in Mommy and Daddy’s basement. Yeah, the group who prefers spending their days online in internet chat rooms instead of going out and actually getting jobs.
A new Pew Research poll uncovered a lot of shocking new data on this new generation of self-described “free speech” hating freeloaders unable to function as adults in a modern society.
What percentage of people self-identifying as socialist would you guess actually had a job? And if you can even believe this is possible, the moral conundrum many “tolerant” young socialist are facing because their parents aren’t on board with socialism. But, legislation isn’t in place yet for the government to give them a free place to move into where they can escape the “intolerant” free homes of their parents. All on the next page along with the housing and employment stats for the younger generation of freeloading, communist idolizing youth in America today
This is the socialist-common core dumbing down of America result. The teachers, their teachers, their professors have been slamming socialism into the kids heads that America is the evil incarnate! and If you’re white you are the devil. If anyone noticed antifa are white! Probably are ashamed of being white. They are the product of a poor socialist education and very few parents noticed …however, many of the parents young enough to have socialism pushed down their throat as well. . These dumbed down bored white kids looking for a cause….. have no loyalty, no compassion, no understanding of much, but now they have that cause—- antifa Fun and Games
That explains a lot lol
Ha ha ha hahahahah heeheeeheee
Disgraceful. Kick them the hell out.
They WILL BE the next generation of street people once parents have passed. They’ll have no idea what to do nor how to function in the real world.
we knew they were basement dwellers, didn’t work…depended on mommie and daddy…..their job is to riot, fire bomb, hit, throw urine and feces on them mean ole conservative Nazis …and these nuts are our future…hope parents live to be real old….
Of course they do, they have no jobs, because the “degrees” they got for $40 K /year their parents paid for is USELESS in the Real world! So NOW they are sponging of parents AGAIN…and waiting for THEM to die so they can inherit the estate THE Parents worked hard for…..they might also go to rallies and protest AGAINST the hard working people (like their parents) NOT sharing their goods & property with the basement dwellers sooner.!
The left’s answer to the Klan, change the color of their hoods and masks.
schizoaffective malcontents acting out group delusion as NWO useful idiots