Current Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has proven himself to be a traitor to this nation, with such acts as tricking fellow Republicans into financing Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty actions.
On the other hand, Trey Gowdy has proved himself to be a fearless bulldog and patriot in attacking socialist betrayal on such issues as regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack, the IRS targeting scandal, or Obama’s illegal amnesty actions.
More than 100,000 patriotic Americans have already signed onto this movement to replace the Boehner with Gowdy.
You can help the fight by using this link:
Now ya talking. Yes sir Gowdy will be a great choice if the Republicans have the guts to get rid of Speaker John Boehner
Gowdy Voted for HR 758… along with 410 other idiots in the House!!!!
Funny how this page supposedly defendes the constitution yet promotes religious hatred. Religion is free!!!
Gowdy, Yes…take Boehner down!
I am for this
His investigations are still ongoing dillweed. It dont matter what libtards think. Apparently yall blew it.. Remember the country just turned all RED? Thats what the majority thinks.. We are all SICK of your sh*t..
maybe even for prez
$#%&!@* is a drunk DB
Take them down , Trey
Trey Gowdy will become out Vice President!:D