Current Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has proven himself to be a traitor to this nation, with such acts as tricking fellow Republicans into financing Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty actions.
On the other hand, Trey Gowdy has proved himself to be a fearless bulldog and patriot in attacking socialist betrayal on such issues as regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack, the IRS targeting scandal, or Obama’s illegal amnesty actions.
More than 100,000 patriotic Americans have already signed onto this movement to replace the Boehner with Gowdy.
You can help the fight by using this link:
(This is a question) Did Trey Gowdy sell out to the National Republican party elite when He ran for congress. I think He would be the best speaker since Newt Gingrich, BUT, for the past 2 elections the national Republican Party has forced all their house candidates to pledge their support to John Boehner before the national party would support them. That is the reason I will NEVER donate a dime to the national party. All donations should go straight to the candidates. DID HE PLEDGE HIS SUPPORT TO BOEHNER?
Why do we vote if the NRP has forced a pledge to support Boehner? He is a usless crybaby and not what the American people want for a speaker.
They have no say on our laws
please we need gowdy we need a man with big kohones right now..
Trey Gowdy is awesome
The United States would be a better place if more people in Washington felt like Gowdy does about our country…is it just about all the money??? My god at what cost is it to sell your country and your oath of office out??? You people have done nothing in the last 8 years to make any citizen of the USA proud of you…nothing….Geez what a waste of human flesh…I often wonder how the hell you sleep at night knowing you have screwed millions of people in one way or another. Just a WASTE !!!!
Got to love this guy.
we need him to run for president!!!!!!