Current Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has proven himself to be a traitor to this nation, with such acts as tricking fellow Republicans into financing Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty actions.
On the other hand, Trey Gowdy has proved himself to be a fearless bulldog and patriot in attacking socialist betrayal on such issues as regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack, the IRS targeting scandal, or Obama’s illegal amnesty actions.
More than 100,000 patriotic Americans have already signed onto this movement to replace the Boehner with Gowdy.
You can help the fight by using this link:
Time for Crybaby B***r Boy to go! The new congress needs to send him back to the isles and tell him to blow his nose and wipe away his crocodile tears…
Damn right….get rid of the crybaby RINO!
Why don’t all of you REAL conservatives pray to your invisible sky God to smite him? Isn’t that what Jew boy carpenters do?
I would vote for Gowdy……….for president
How?? is there a petition?
You mean Gowdy McPouty? A bulldog? More like a pandering a **clown that can’t accept the Benghazi myths are just not true despite his own investigations concluding Obama and Hillary made no nefarious errors or coverups of wrongdoing…he’s a typical political clown
can not see the article….
I’ll wait till I get home..
Gowdey 2016
We want Gowdy!!!!!