If Black Lives Matter and Black Reparations advocates would actually get a job and become productive members of American society perhaps they could stop whining and demanding handouts. Just like the guy sitting at the corner everyday in worn, dirty cloths with his hand out asking for spare change, these grifters spend an inordinate amount of time thinking up new reasons we should give them a free stuff to support their indolence. It must wear them out, and it certainly does most of us.
Some scams are more outrageous than others. Black Panthers are famous for demanding payments for “training” programs, for example. Others create community outreach programs such as the work that bumbling president Obama did as a “community organizer.” That is simply a government job that encourages malcontents to demand more and more from both government and gullible liberals who are taken in by the charade. Of course libs are at least smart enough to offer others people’s money, yours and mine, rather than to give up their own.
Now a new website has popped up, and it is a doozy. It really plays on white guilt, and makes direct requests for things these folks should be paying for on their own. It is supreme Chutzpah, and there are goofballs who will respond as if it is a reasonable and rational charity program. Be sure to check out the photo of the lovely on page 2 who is managing the site, you’ll want to gouge your eyes out.
Look at some of the demands for free stuff on page 2:
I have some for them its called lead. Fking system sucking scum.
F u . i don’t owe you s**t
The racist that put up that website can kiss my white ass. Reparations? LMAO
If any of my ancestors owned slaves, and if they did, I am unaware of it, it was well over a hundred and fifty years ago. Why in hell would I feel guilty for the actions of my ancestors? Only a complete moron would feel guilty or lose sleep over something that he or she had absolutely nothing to do with.
I own ZERO guilt… Meaning??? They do not get one red Lincoln from me or mine!!! I’m 51 yes old… Slavery ENDED when??? And, our family??? Too poor through the generations to own slaves… In fact, many were endentured “slaves” servants… I’m not asking for “handouts” (reparations) nor is any other family member… You can stick this blatant RACISM the same place I’d tell a white person to stick it… In your ass!!!
i want reparations for you sitting on yo fat ass, living off the tax payers dime probably your entire life, so f–k you pay me.
They can go p**s up a wall! Want to try and take it? You’ll be shot like the rabid dog you are! I dont owe you s**t! None of my family ever owned a slave and no one alive today has ever been a slave! GET OFF YOUR FAT FUCKN ASS AND GET G******N JOB!!;
Sorry, but YOU owe ME! WE are the ones who freed you from the Democrat slave owners. You have repaid us by re-enslaving yourselves to the same Democrats that held you captive. Like the old saying goes, “No good deed goes unpunished”. We Northeners fought and died for your freedoms for nothing.
Never owned a slave, nor did anyone in my lineage. My conscience is clear.
my two cents is my limit…
Some of my ancestors were indentured on a Caribbean sugar cane plantation. Others were Irish and considered worse than Africans. Free yourselves of the burden of hate against long-dead masters and join the HUMAN race.