Bernie Sanders’ biggest failure as a candidate — other than his blatant socialist, white apologist, and anti-capitalist stances — has been his totally inability to gain any support from the African American community. That changed this week, as he has picked up at least one Black supporter in Ta-Neshisi Coates — but there’s a catch.
He may be voting for the “democratic socialist,” but he’s got one major sticking point that he can’t seem to get past.
Bernie Sanders needs to give him money if he becomes president… because he’s black.
Yes, apparently because his ancestors supposedly endured the no-doubt horrific pains of slavery, he, a man with no meaningful connections to the act other than a fleeting knowledge that his family lineage at one point was subject to American slavery, somehow deserves money from the current U.S. government.
What’s truly odd is that reparations are somehow the only thing Bernie is not giving away for free. For now, at least.
Read the interview in which Coates makes this announcement on the next page:
Gimy gimme !
That’s called a FREE LOADER
F**k you jigaboo
They Now want Reparations: The truth is, they have been paid reparations above and beyond over the last 50+ years
The half-century since the Great Society was launched in the mid-1960s have been the salad days of the government sector. No segment of the population has benefited more than black America.
Though 11 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force, black-Americans are 20 percent of U.S. government workers. They are 25 percent of the employees at Treasury and Veterans Affairs, 31 percent of the State Department, 37 percent of Department of Education employees and 38 percent of Housing and Urban Development. They are 42 percent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 55 percent of the employees at the Government Printing Office and 82 percent at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency. They are 20% of the US Postal Service. Reading all of this remember, only 11% of US population. No way this can happen without discrimination against whites. Just impossible.
When the Obama administration suggested shutting down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage giants whose losses of $150 billion have had to be made up by taxpayers, The Washington Post warned, in a story headlined, “Winding Down Fannie and Freddie Could Put Minority Careers at Risk,” that 44 percent of Fannie employees and 50 percent of Freddie’s were persons of color.
In 2014, the Heritage Foundation released their findings on the cost of the War on Poverty. As of 2013, U.S. taxpayers had spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. What did we get for all of our hard labor 50 years later? An ever-expanding welfare state instead of what LBJ described as an “investment” that would “return its cost manifold to the entire economy.” Not only are 100 million Americans receiving some kind of benefits from at least one government program, but those not on the dole are still paying for entitlements with no end in sight.
Of this $22 TRILLION since 1964…this Is where most of it has gone and is going:
A majority of native black households, almost 60% , are on some form of means-tested welfare, compared to just 23 percent of native white households, that’s a rate of almost 3 times more.
A striking 82 percent of black househtolds with children receive welfare–double the white rate.
Among natives, blacks receive cash handouts at more than three times the white rate;
Among all households, native blacks receive food handouts at three times the white rate. Among households with children, Native blacks have a rate of 75 percent receiving food assistance, which is double the white rate. Though only 11% of population, 60% of black students receive FREE breakfast and lunch at schools.
43% of black households are on FREE Medicaid health care, and 68% of black households with children are on FREE Medicaid health care. Both more than double the white rate.
Native blacks, especially, are also heavy users of housing assistance. 18% of black households receive FREE housing assistance and 24% of blacks with children receive FREE housing assistance. Native Blacks use these programs at nearly seven times the white rate.
48% of blacks pay zero, nadda, none, NO Federal withholding Income taxes.
More than 5 million black workers with nearly 7 million children claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in tax year 2013, at a cost of $12 billion to tax payers. Though only 11% of the workforce and only 13% of total tax receipts..22% of all EITC payments go to Blacks.
About 3.5 million black working families with children claimed refunds averaging about $1,300 through the low-income (or refundable) portion of the Child Tax Credit at a cost to tax payers of $3.9 billion.
Nearly 50% of black college students are receiving free Pell Grants for College at an annual cost to tax payers of $3.5 billion.
For fifty years now we’ve been giving breaks to blacks, and not just Affirmative Action sinecures .
We abolished federal Civil Service exams because blacks couldn’t pass them. Our colleges turn away non black kids so that less well-qualified blacks can be admitted.
We shower public money on bogus claimants to farm-loan discrimination. Our media observe exquisitely sensitive protocols in reporting black-on-white misbehavior, while inflating the flimsiest allegations of white-on-black misbehavior to the level of national crises.
We gut admissions exams for police and firefighter jobs so that blacks can be hired, and pay extravagant compensation to applicants who failed the un-gutted exams. We likewise gut standards for college debate, replacing structured, reasoned argument with incoherent squawking.We have pretty much dismantled our civilization in an effort to accommodate blacks.
And still they want more of my money via reparations?
No sir…No ma’am….No reparations warranted.
At this time we are PAID IN FULL!!!
Reparations? What does he think EBT is?
Since only less than 2% of people owned slaves and their descendants are the benefits of that , I actually have no problem with reparations, as long as it comes straight from the pockets of the top 2% of wealthiest citizens AND corporations.
Screw this clown!! Another freeloader…
B******t!! Trace the remaining descendants of slave owners and see what they have to spare; don’t come looking at me since I am 2nd generation American, unless you want a third eye!!
I think he should be able to get a free ticket back to Africa, that should about cover it…
Disgraceful! As a matter of principal, even if they apologized for slavery, he should reject it and enable himself. Grove long for cash payment is lack of pride and cheapens the injustice suffered as if money will make it go away, instead of having the stance that it is an unpardonable transgression.