Maxine Waters has expanded her circle of hate for Donald Trump to include his entire cabinet.
Waters’ dislike of Trump is no secret. She wants him gone so badly that she’s come up with multiple far-flung schemes to get him impeached. Her most bizarre plan involves impeaching Trump for his use of the name “Crooked Hillary.” According to the Democrat congresswoman, the nickname might be the result of collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign.
Before you believe that Waters has insider information on the matter, it’s important to note that she also said that Vladimir Putin invaded “Korea” in 2014. So she’s not exactly an expert on foreign affairs.
But Waters’ reputation for sticking her foot in her mouth isn’t stopping the congresswoman from talking on national television. This week, she had some choice words for Trump and his entire cabinet.
See what she called them on the next page:
You people from California have been smoking to much dope , most all of you have fried your brain’s.
I think its amusing that any American would be flying the Swedish flag, (the rape capitol of the world), rather than the american flag. While you make the false claim of Nazism on a man you know nothing about, David Breyer. Do you get paid for spewing your nonsense across the internet?
she has no room to talk, comlete ignorance
Obama filled the white house with muslims and not a word.
Then what could we call the recent administration? ( obama-nation)? yes I believe that name fits perfectly! I find it amazing that people still cling to ideas and opinions that have been proved to be false and misleading…it’s too early in this administration to make such horrific claims..why don’t you wait and see Ms.Waters, you may soon have to eat those words..and they may have been sweet coming out but trying to digest them, could prove to be a different story. The problem is the liberals are mad because they are no longer in control,,,and unlike most if not all politicians, President Trump cannot be had for a cheap meal ticket, or a one night stand,,,
That old whore was one of the pieces of *hit buffoons that defended Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac…
The left is suffering from P E D, post election disorder. I’m not real sure how long it will take for the left to recover.
The picture of sour LIBBY’S spewing hate and garbage.
Look in the mirror.