Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) responded to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) discounting the importance of ObamaCare as a campaign issue this fall and his confusion (or dishonesty) on the topic of ObamaCare horror stories this past week.
Speaking on the Mike Gallagher Radio Show on Friday Gowdy joked, “I didn’t think Mormons used drugs,” while discussing Reid’s new political strategy.
Gowdy took a light-hearted swipe at the senator, but Reid’s seeming detachment from reality is a serious matter that ought to worry voters.
Source: FoxNation
Photo: YouTube
Go. Trey. Don’t give up. Nail this POS hard
Reid needs to resign and get into an institution as fast as possible!!! he is delusional!
Waiting for the 1st shot of the 2nd civil war!
Got Bullets?
His hate and bitterness are clouding his judgment. He needs to step down. Especially now since he’s been caught in illegal activity.
That was spot on.
omg trey is good, we need him as president or speaker of house, he has true grit
Harry Reid is corrupt & needs to be voted out ASAP
Get rid of Reid!!!!! What is wrong with Nevada?????
HARRY REID is a stupid liberal $#%&!@* and senile jackass!! he needs to quit and head home to the rocking chair and drink a lot of kool aids