Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) thinks taking a moment for those who lost their lives during the Sutherland Springs shooting is unnecessary.
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) walked out on a moment of silence in Congress Monday for the victims of Sunday’s mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
Rep Lieu doesn’t feel comfortable taking a moment of silence for mass shooting victims till guns are outlawed.
This move has already proved popular with his remaining constituents who hail Lieu as being a compassionate voice of reason in a Republican-controlled government.
Lieu, a second-term congressman from one of the wealthiest districts in the nation, filmed himself after he walked out of the House of Representatives chamber and broadcast to his followers on Facebook Live:
Good evening. I’m Congressman Ted Lieu. I’m heartbroken about the children and adults that were killed in the worst mass shooting in Texas history this Sunday.
My colleagues right now are doing a moment of silence in the House of Representatives chambers. I respect their right to do that, and I myself have participated in many of them.
But I can’t do this again. I’ve been to too many moments of silences [sic]. In just my short career in Congress, three of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history have occurred. I will not be silent.
What we need, is we need action. We need to pass gun safety legislation now. Behind me is the House of Representatives chambers. I urge us to pass reasonable gun safety legislation, including a universal background check law, supported by 80% of Americans, a ban on assault rifles, and a ban on bump stocks.
We need to do that. We cannot be silent. We need to act now. Now I gotta go back to vote. Thanks for watching.
Rep. Lieu was literally talking into his phone instead of taking a moment of silence with his colleagues. That is disturbing. It used to be thought that people walking around muttering into handheld objects were mentally ill. Now we just call them liberal democrat politicians talking to their constitutions.
What was he even talking about? There is no evidence to suggest the shooter used a bump stock.
But, it’s not like making sense is important to the people in Rep Lieu’s district. Although the tides do seem to be changing in favor of reason.
Comments on Lieu’s video ranged from supportive (Got an eye on you, Awesome Hombre!! We need more Congresspersons with integrity. Thanks for making California proud!!!!!! SF East Bay fan.”) to outraged (“This was extremely disrespectful to the families who are mourning loved ones in #SutherlandSpringsTexas, it is embarrassing to the #USA that a member of #Congress would behave in such a manner”).
People like Lieu still thinking they have a place in the Democratic party… AND Democrats have the nerve to ask what President Trump means by Make America Great Again? Have they looked at their own party?
Source: Breitbart
Ingrate “
Typical liberal.
What an ass
democrats don’t have feelings it is alright to kill the christians
Sick sicko
Unprofessional, hypocrite, karma will follow you everywhere
He should keep walking
I say….not surprised…..shame on him!!!