Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King stated in a recent interview that if Obama gives a unilateral amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants here in the U.S. like he is rumored to do, that Americans should march on Washington and ‘surround the White House’ to stop him.
“If the President takes this action and I believe he will, he will have abandoned every pretense that he is bound by the Constitution of the United States and if the American people take that sitting down or lying down then our Constitutional Republic has been destroyed to the point where putting it back together again in our lifetime looks to me like its a very difficult task,” stated King.
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he would just fly out and still do what he wants to do. When is congress going to grow a set of balls and kick him out of office… Yes it is time for a change in the white house as well as congress. hopefully the newly elected congress will step up and demand his removal before he can do any more damage
yes And stay there as long as they can hold out,Maybe to it in 3 day shifts. Till he gets it!
I have already said that we should surround White House if he continues to kick us in the teeth. Make our selves known to him that we no longer will stand by and let him lie and cheat and disgrace our country.
Let’s do it!
Just say when! “Actions speak louder than words”.
We all know that he going to do it.
If obama’s retarted ass awards amnesty to all illegals it will be the end of this sovereign nation. Their will be riots in every city, marshall law will be implicated and obama will be crucified right in the middle of Pennsylvania avenue! I Guaran$#%&!@*ingtyit!
No Democrats.
yep and hang obama on the white house lawn.
LET’S PROVOKE A WAR BETWEEN THE MUSLIMS AND THE QUEERS. Let them kill each other off, and stop running our nation.