Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-D) is back on the liberal street corner peddling more “Russian” crack to the addicted slaves still stuck on the Democrat plantation.
Only this time he is claiming that the 2nd amendment is so bad even the “Russians” wouldn’t implement something so barbaric in their country.
Never taking into account that having the 2nd amendment or similar provisions is an [actually] progressive right many other nations are prevented from implementing due to evil leadership.
In the troubled mind of this Rep, Russian bots on Twitter are working to destroy America… by promoting the 2nd amendment… and this is why Donald John Trump is president. This is not a joke. You can see this for yourself in the video!
Head on over to the next page to watch this train wreck of a California liberal politician try to explain what’s going on in his head and this country
This dip$#%&!@*is a whack job. Imagine what he wrote in the Dems memo.
He actually SAID that? Wow.
Dumb ass
Give it up already, everybody knows your connections!
The anti- 2nd amendment douchebag has lost his mind. Im an American not russian. And I’m promoting the 2nd amendment because they tried to end it with the treasonous safe act.
They are still trying to lie saying it was russia that exposed the emails. Thats a lie. More like 2 very pissed American patriots
This idiot needs to be isolated from the United States population. A straight jacket in a secure mental institution is what commentary like his brainless rant deserves. How can these people be voted into a responsible office in this country? Are they all too stupid to get a real job and just continue to rely on the graf money doled out by the now rudderless Democratics? This is one pathetic excuse for a real man!
Wow he’s is burnt as Nancy!
I personally think You Schiff are tryng to destroy America with your hatred for the President by trying to use misleading statements to stir up the American people to anger and destruction.