Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-D) is back on the liberal street corner peddling more “Russian” crack to the addicted slaves still stuck on the Democrat plantation.
Only this time he is claiming that the 2nd amendment is so bad even the “Russians” wouldn’t implement something so barbaric in their country.
Never taking into account that having the 2nd amendment or similar provisions is an [actually] progressive right many other nations are prevented from implementing due to evil leadership.
In the troubled mind of this Rep, Russian bots on Twitter are working to destroy America… by promoting the 2nd amendment… and this is why Donald John Trump is president. This is not a joke. You can see this for yourself in the video!
Head on over to the next page to watch this train wreck of a California liberal politician try to explain what’s going on in his head and this country
This guy has gone full retard
Never forget his sister is married to SORO’S SON and that is where this loser scumbag gets his talking points and when he talks his eyes are bugging out everytime he opens his big fat lieing mouth
Adam Schiff is an$#%&!@*
This guy is love with his own b******t and has lost his grip.
Let’s vote them out
He’s going down
Insane rambling by a sorous stooge.
See? Keep twisting things around long enough and you go bonkers. That’s what most of the liberals are going through now.
… this moron’s$#%&!@*must get jealous … watching all that$#%&!@*come out of his mouth …