Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-D) tries to claim that the American people are not capable of understanding the Nunes memo revealing the illegal attempts of the Obama administration to spy on Trump 2016 presidential campaign officials.
But it’s far more likely that the American people are two steps ahead of Rep. Schiff in both understandings how the memo affects American citizens. Now the long disastrous trail connecting this insulting liberal traitor to none other than the doorsteps of George Soros has been revealed.
Democrats generally have a trail leading back to their masters. Remember how former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe’s wife received a donation of $700,000 to her senate campaign by a close Clinton confidant right as the FBI was investigating her crimes?
All swamp creatures are alike, but not all are funded by foreign-born “One Society” conglomerates, or are they?
Head on over to the next page to learn the disgusting proof linking Rep. Schiff to the dirtiest globalist scumbag of them all.
He is a Democrat, they LIE, cheat and steal from the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Schiffs daughter is married to soros son…right??
Time to investigate Schiff
Does this surprise anyone?
Democrats in powerful positions only know how to lie, cheat, steal, obstruct, spread hate/violence, cover for each other, make everything about race, play on our emotions, and get away with all types of crimes on their way to getting what they want. They are NOT above the law even though they think they are untouchable. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity.
there’s another group that needs to be in jail
Time to put Schiff in prison.
They are all in Soros pocket…
That’s what makes his BUG EYES Bright when he sees that free money from SOROS>