Rep. Meadows: FBI ‘Well Aware the Dossier Was a Lie’ Before Spying on Trump Campaign

Rep. Meadows: FBI ‘Well Aware the Dossier Was a Lie’ Before Spying on Trump Campaign

A newly unearthed memo reveals that a high-ranking government official from Obama’s DOJ, including the FBI, who met with FBI informant Christopher Steele in October 2016 determined that Steele’s material contained lies, but still used the disinformation to spy on the Trump campaign.

Handwritten notes taken by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec on her Oct. 11, 2016 meeting Steele shows the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded British intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and needed to come out by election day.

The confession occurred ten days before the FBI used the dossier as justification to secure a FISA warrant to ‘surveil’ former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the alleged ties to Russia.

Rep. Mark Meadows has now confirmed that the Kavalec memo was indeed received more than a week before it was used by the FBI. Continue to page 2.

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