Rep. John Lewis is beyond criticism, according to the press. And good thing he is, because there is plenty of material available to use against him.
We learned that it was apparently inappropriate to attack Lewis after the congressman questioned Trump’s legitimacy as president. When Trump hit back, he was criticized for attacking a “civil rights hero.”
To his credit, Lewis is a civil rights icon. Before he was a congressman, he marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr. to desegregate the south.
But not everything in Lewis’ past is heroic.
When Lewis announced he would not attend Trump’s inauguration, he claimed that he had never boycotted an inauguration during his time in the House of Representatives. This was later revealed to be untrue. In 2001, he boycotted the inauguration of George W. Bush. His reason was eerily familiar: He said Bush wasn’t the “true elected president.”
Now, more bad news is incoming for Rep. Lewis. Read about his latest scandal on the next page:
I wish nothing more than truth here and see him squirm as the country is looking to get abuse of money back for it’s take payers and we have someone not afraid of you leading the pack as he has to look him in the eyes..
wow and he is a leader, of what dodging his taxes like he accused Trump of. Hmmm nice. How is karma Lewis
Truth/Action keep on tearing John Lewis a new$#%&!@*!!! This is exactly what this Black Panther 47 counts criminal sheet holder deserves !!!!!!!!!
The elected officials have to abid by the law just like the rest of us. They are not above the law
When you hear one of these good old people that criticism and complaints about someone he don’t like you can bet he has something he don’t want y too know about. His own Skelton’s.
Laura Al has said that himself. And Lewis is a sellout to his own people. Has not done c**p for his constituents sense he was elected. His civil rights marching is long forgotten.
You hadn’t proved jack$#%&!@*since the dots are not connected. it doesn’t state whose taxes they are. me. laughing at you. Again.
Could you all quit reading f**e news? That’s what divided this country in this be first place.
Say what??
Open your mind. Pay your taxes you fucking deadbeat.