Rep. John Lewis is beyond criticism, according to the press. And good thing he is, because there is plenty of material available to use against him.
We learned that it was apparently inappropriate to attack Lewis after the congressman questioned Trump’s legitimacy as president. When Trump hit back, he was criticized for attacking a “civil rights hero.”
To his credit, Lewis is a civil rights icon. Before he was a congressman, he marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr. to desegregate the south.
But not everything in Lewis’ past is heroic.
When Lewis announced he would not attend Trump’s inauguration, he claimed that he had never boycotted an inauguration during his time in the House of Representatives. This was later revealed to be untrue. In 2001, he boycotted the inauguration of George W. Bush. His reason was eerily familiar: He said Bush wasn’t the “true elected president.”
Now, more bad news is incoming for Rep. Lewis. Read about his latest scandal on the next page:
David Breyer you have Zero rights to tell anyone what there rights are. If you don’t like the truth about John Lewis then stay the hell off the net and stick your head back in the pile of poo you have been keeping it is.
What is that ugly baby doing wearing a suit and tie….and being a millionaire in one of our poorest states?
Well Well a Tax-Evader.. and a friend of Al’s…I’m sure…How many people can we help with just these 2 Tax-Evaders taxes…For good old lewis.. these are property taxes…not federal
I know all about what he did in the past but he had something too hide. And Mr Powell I am not a snowflake what are you.?
I thought only humans had to pay taxes.
I have said we need to look into the past of these people and we will find skeletons and wrongdoings They are to big for their britches
AAHHH, the dems, libs and sheep!
Dot Hollister he means me
Pay your taxes azzhole
Why don’t someone wet his lips stick him on a freaking wall somewhere problem over