Rep. John Lewis has spent much of the last week attacking president-elect Donald Trump. He probably should have kept his mouth shut, as his time in the spotlight revealed that he has a history of tax evasion on his Washington D.C. property.
Trump-hating Democratic Georgia congressman John Lewis didn’t pay property taxes on his nearly $1 million fancy Washington, D.C. townhouse on Capitol Hill, despite being in Congress for decades, where the salary for a Representative starts at $174,000 per year.
Lewis was in the news recently for saying he doesn’t see President-elect Donald J. Trump as “a legitimate president” because of the #RussianHackers Democratic conspiracy theory.
Public records show he avoided paying property taxes on his DC townhouse at 219 3rd Street SE on Capitol Hill:
That house at 219 3rd Street SE was worth more than $810,000 in 2012 according to Nexis assessment records. It’s a nice fancy townhouse right next to Congress:
In 2010, legal action was threatened against Rep. John Lewis for his failure to pay property taxes, as documents exclusively obtained by GotNews show:
It’s unclear if Lewis still owns the house and is paying taxes for it.
As a long-time congressman, Lewis’ salary is at least $174,000 a year, which makes him richer than 92% of Americans:
Why doesn’t Rep. John Lewis like paying his taxes?
Doesn’t he want to “pay his fair share” like a good Democrat?
How ironic that a Democrat congressman — supposedly one who thinks that rich men like himself should pay higher tax rates — has been caught evading taxes. It only goes to show, Democrats are willing to spend all the money in the world — as long as it’s not theirs.
Source: Got News
Photo: Hillel Steinberg
That pos should be in prison, for as many times he has been arrested in his life. If you get enough parking tickets, you go to jail. LOCK HIS$#%&!@*UP AND SERVE JUSTICE!!!
I believe picture shown above is mine (you know, the name you cropped out). Please give me credit as the Flickr image licensing states or take it down:
This is the second “takedown” complaint. Either give me credit as the licensing states for this photo, or take the picture down now. Three strikes and you are out: