Earlier this week, Devin Nunes confirmed reports of government surveillance at Trump Tower. Now, Democrats are attacking the House Intelligence Committee Chair for vindicating Trump’s accusations.
For weeks, Democrats have latched onto the idea that Trump lied about the wiretapping incident. They claimed that there was “no evidence” to support the claims and that Trump’s accusations were “unsubstantiated” and “irresponsible.”
Those sentiments have, until now, been supported by members of congress on both sides of the isle.
This week House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes set the record straight once-and-for-all. Trump transition officials were under surveillance — backing up Trump’s claims — but the surveillance was both “incidental” and “legal.”
This truth — which has been fairly obvious for weeks — isn’t sitting well with the Left. Now, at least one Democrat representative is calling for an investigation of Nunes.
Watch him attack Nunes in the video on the next page:
Look at the outrage for telling the truth. We the people have had it will all your lies and deception!!!!!!
The Liar in Chief:
Remember when the so-called President said he was going to donate his salary? Well he just accepted his second paycheck.
Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall? He has asked Congress to appropriate the $25 billion of taxpayer money to cover costs.
Remember when he said he was going to divest from his businesses? Changed his mind.
Remember when he said he was going to release his tax returns? Changed his mind.
Remember when he said he wasn’t going to go on vacation or play golf? 5 of the last 7 weekends he went on vacation and played golf, costing taxpayers $11.1 million.
Remember when he said he was going to use American steel to build these dangerous pipelines? Russian steel arrived last week for the Keystone Pipeline XL.
Remember when he said would defeat ISIS in 30 days? He still doesn’t even have a plan.
Remember when he said he was going to appropriate money to HBCUs? He lied to get a photo-op.
Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp of Washington insiders? His cabinet is filled with lobbyists, oil and Wall Street executives.
Remember when he said he wasn’t going to cut social security and Medicare? The Republican bill does just this.
Remember when he said that nobody on his campaign has any communications with Russian govt? 7 of his people have now admitted they spoke and/or met with Russian officials, after they lied and got caught.
Remember when he said that the Obamacare replacement would cover more people at lower cost? The AHCA that the GOP and 45 are now pushing; they now admit will cover fewer people at a higher cost.
so everyone can remember what a liar this so-called president (45) truly is.
What ever happened about Obama BC and forged papers including forged SS CARD why is he still out on the streets.
Can’t Nunes investigate himself ?? Like Dodd and Franks did ??
Looks like your a pissed of looser yourself .. lol !!
Eric L Runion
We need to investigate you.
He doesn’t report to you.
They should do an investigation on
Another loser who wears the veil of righteousness.