Earlier this week, Devin Nunes confirmed reports of government surveillance at Trump Tower. Now, Democrats are attacking the House Intelligence Committee Chair for vindicating Trump’s accusations.
For weeks, Democrats have latched onto the idea that Trump lied about the wiretapping incident. They claimed that there was “no evidence” to support the claims and that Trump’s accusations were “unsubstantiated” and “irresponsible.”
Those sentiments have, until now, been supported by members of congress on both sides of the isle.
This week House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes set the record straight once-and-for-all. Trump transition officials were under surveillance — backing up Trump’s claims — but the surveillance was both “incidental” and “legal.”
This truth — which has been fairly obvious for weeks — isn’t sitting well with the Left. Now, at least one Democrat representative is calling for an investigation of Nunes.
Watch him attack Nunes in the video on the next page:
If someone investigates him, maybe that will shut him up!
There needs to be a investigation into Cummings and all his NAACP buddys.
Your day is coming !
maybe it should be Rep Cummings we investigate
These people have lost all credibility !
According to Rush Limbaugh……..
This Country Is a Mess Because of Liberalism……I’m of the belief that this country’s a mess not because of Donald Trump. This country is a mess because of liberalism. This country is a mess and getting worse if it isn’t stopped because of the Democrats, the modern incarnation of the Democrat Party, which is radical, radical left. I think the American left and the Democrat Party is screwing up people, they’re screwing up towns, they’re screwing up cities, they’re screwing up states. I think they are destroying and perverting our culture. I think that they are a rotting force on the foundation and structure of this country. They pose a much graver threat than whatever threat, if any, Donald Trump poses.
No! It would have been silenced or twisted before it got to us!
This guy wasn’t just hit with the STUPID stick, he personally pulled it off the tree, whittled it to a proper size, gave it to his momma and said “whoop my brains out”. She obviously proceeded to do just that!
Rep. Cummings shut up and pay your taxes…
We propose you get out of goverment.