Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
First I’d like to know if he served in the military and if he did what color did he bleed was it black, green,red,yellow or white. I served my Country and I’m proud of it. I was wounded and I watched 1 hispanic get shot in the right side of his lip and blew out his jugular he was 3 men away from me and he bleed red . The 2nd man was white and took around right between the eyes and he bleed red the 3rd man was also shot right between the eyes and he was black and he bleed red I was the 4th man and the bullet traveled down the leftside of my weapon hitting me in the left shoulder the 5th man which was right beside also was hit between the eyes he was white and he bleed red the 6th man a good old southern boy was also hit between the eyes and he also bleed red and do you want to know what I’m SO SORRY about. Its’ the fact that I couldn’t stay with them and take each one of them home to there families and tell them what they fought for and even though Our own Nation {jane fonda and her friends} treated us like we were the scum of the earth. Who dodged the draft and ran out of there Country and went else where . They were pardoned and let back into this Nation that they didn’t want I’m sorry I couldn’t go back and get VENGENCE for my brothers. It didn’t then and it doesn’t now I AM AN AMERICAN my brothers were AMERICANS not black , white or brown. If you do something that is illegal guess what IF YOU CAN’T DO THE TIME THEN DON’T CRIME.
Hang the POS…
I agree with Mike. They just want to cause trouble, as usual.
They always blame the whites.
He needs to go and have a brain check.
Are these people for real, crazy stuff and people.
I say give them $100,000 a piece and a boat ride back to Africa with no return on it !
Shut up you shouldn’t be in Congress go back to kindergarten
This POS needs to hurry up and croak. His is definitely senile.
Go to jail! N@@ga