Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Fight slavers. Fight Islam Charlie! Islam is a theocracy. Obama is a muslim. A moderate theocracy is still a theocracy. Moderate inequality is still inequality. Multiculturalism embraces muslimized versions of cultures that are incompatible with America’s Constitution. An example includes fundamentalist Islam, wherein there is no distinction between church and state. The Koran prescribes Islam, but it also prescribes a body politic, known as Sharia law, wherein women, Christians, Jews, and minorities are denied rights that are taken for granted in America. A multi-tiered legal system in which religion determines status, Sharia Law, is oppressive no matter how moderate it may be. Muslims can’t get along with anybody on the face of the earth. Terrorism is done by them. They produce nothing. They move to countries and are parasites living on welfare. Japan is dealing with muslim immigration in a sensible manner. Obama is a muslim. Very interesting. . . Has anyone seen or heard of this before? Obama has been wearing the same ring for over 30 years. When he and Michelle were married in October, 1992, Barack used the ring as his wedding ring. So, what is so important about this ring that Obama will never take it off? The answer is shocking; well maybe not to most of you. Obama wears the ring as president. Obama signs legislation while wearing the ring. Obama in Cairo, Egypt, smiling and waving during his speech showing his ring. And what does the inscription on the ring Obama will never take off mean?lâ ilâha illâ allâh: There is no God except Allah.
It is very simple to see that Obama is a muslim: he calls the Koran the “Holy Koran” but not the Bible the “Holy Bible”. He quotes from the Koran from memory and said the sound of morning call to prayers is “the most beautiful sound he has ever heard”. When has he quoted from the Bible, or talked about a churches choir never. His father was muslim, and his stepfather was muslim. He was raised by muslims in Indonesia where there is no way he would have had the money to enter the United States unless he was a muslim. He would have been no better than a servant if he did not follow Islam. There is so much evidence making it obvious Obama is muslim, that a person literally has to be an idiot to think he is not a muslim.
The most transparent president in history? Who is this person that occupies the oval office? Does anyone really know? Clint Eastwood’s September 7, 2012, interview with his home town newspaper, The Carmel Pine Cone, is dead on: “President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.”
Are you surprised by anything above; I didn’t think so. Obama is the “Lyin’ King”! He hates America. No Sharia law!!!
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
I owe you nothing. Just think if your ancestors did not come here YOU would either have Ebola or be living in a jungle slum. You were given the opportunity to be anything you want to be in this country. You live here not as citizens but as a foreign race living in this country. To me it seems as if the black community feels they are just an entitled race vacationing here. Affirmative action, living off the governments hand outs, no respect for other people, steeling others’ property murdering others just because of hate, Everything is against you. Such a poor race. Your race has come full circle. Look at yourselves first slaves then freemen and now slaves again living off the governments hand outs. What a waste.
go get reparations from the people who sold blacks.
In our system, if their constituents vote these $#%&!@*s into office year after year, it’s not up to us to discipline them. It’s the responsibility of the Speaker of the house, along with the ETHICS committee the censure these people for tax evasion, or racial discrimination, and CENSURE theirs asses so that they’re silenced so their constituents eventually realize that they’re NOT being represented in congress and vote them out of office.
Rangel you are an idiot
Send this fool back to the field he crawled out of.
Senile old fart. Just another looking for something for nothing.
Slavery ended years ago. Get with the here and now. Ridiculous
WE will be glad to help you, back to Africa where you can feel at home.
How did he get elected ? Answer….By a majority of votes, mostly whites. Where in the hell is this racist crisp going. Is it because they want to bask in the lime lights of the news media, I wonder. He is the same line as the clown below⬇️