Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Oh p.s. look at history .you could buy Chinese slaves till 1870’S in California
Go back to Sleep, Rangel, Most Whites did not own slaves!
And read the real history of how blacks captured other blacks for money. Get a life you F’n AH
Pure BS!
charley have you ever been A SLAVE”
Effing dumb ass
It’s always something for nothing with those types of people.
My ancestors came here after slavery was abolished and never had slaves. His people sold their own into slavery let him pay
Crook should have been forced out for corruption but only smacked on hand by Pelosi!
this idiot does look to be about 170 yrs old…