Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Stand before a firing squad!!!!
OK how about you tell the taxpayers where every dollar of our tax money was spent by you!!!!!
This guy is as stupid as he looks.
This c**p needs to stop! SERIOUSLY! My grandmothers were both white slaves from Ireland owned by wealthy families who purchased them at the turn of the century through the convents of the Catholic Church in Canada. My grandfathers bought them their freedom to marry them. I don’t agree with the practice of human trafficking at all, but I wasn’t raised to be hateful and use it as an excuse for all the short comings in my life. When is enough enough? How far back are we to hold innocent people accountable? No one alive today had anything to do with black slavery in the US.
Go to Africa and get them !
He needs to take a long walk on short pier!!
Give the welfare breeders a free spaying and the male counter part a free denutting , then a free ride back too Africa.
Ok Rangel, then you’re going to owe the Irish Americans a lot of money. Check your history.
Just what makes you think that you deserve anything like that? You were never s slave
No “reparations” are due. Nobody alive today had anything to do with any of that evil! Slavery was only practiced by a tiny percentage of the population at the time. Even then, the American majority was opposed to it. If the “War between the States” had never happened, slavery would have been completely abolished anyway. It was already illegal in many states and was well on it’s way to becoming illegal in the rest of them. As it happens, a lot more white people were killed or wounded in the USA fighting to free the slaves than ever owned slaves in the first place. When you seek “reparations” today for crimes of the past (whether by legislation in government or by violence in the street) it is much more likely that the ancestors of those that are asked to pay at the very least had nothing whatsoever to do with the crimes in question or their family might even have already paid a price by fighting in opposition to those crimes. My ancestors were with the Army of the Republic fighting to preserve the Union (and free the slaves). If there is anything to to being “owed” anything from the past, then AFRICAN AMERICANS descendants OWE ME and lots of other white for their freedom! Part of the reason for the “ex slave” mindset being so dominant is the that the majority have a slave in their ancestry. Part of the reason for the collective absence of guilt about slavery from the white community is that most of us don’t have an ancestor that was a slave owner. I for one have no intention of developing any guilt over it either. It was bad, we put a stop to it, it’s long over!