Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Tax Cheat Charlie is trying to see if it’s possible for people to have even LESS respect for him!
Blithering idiot!
All of those who received Affirmative Action Education, Food Stamps, Free School, free school meals, ( UN) earned Income Tax Refunds, Medicaid have Received Your total amount of What you think you deserve. First you need to File Law Suits against the Black African Tribal Chiefs who Sold Your Ancestors to the Muslim Slave Traders and try to Collect from them. Most of your kind have already received much more than you can ever be worth in this Society or Country, your just unless Leeches on Society !!!
Lose his position immediately and no pension
He needs to get past it. He is a politician earning a LOT more than most Americans, with MUCH better benefits.
That is ridiculous. No one alive right now was ever a slave and we should not give them a dime just because they HEARD about slavery. Besides, we’ve given them so much and they haven’t appreciated any of it. They’ve only become more ENTITLED..
Someone needs to tell this man the KKK was started and run by the Democrats, not Republicans as the Republicans freed them.
I think U should Pay Reparations to all of us white people, for all the money U have been scamming from us, under all the welfare paid to U sorry, worthless, lazy excuse for humans! U people never stop the constant bitchin, whining, demanding more and more! U Rangle belong in prison for trying to incite a riot, and constant communist agendas! U and your kind are the worst of the worst! U make darned sure U keep your foot on the heads of any hope of really helping your so called brothers! You, Jackson, Obama, Holder, and all of you Democrats who are card carrying communist! U have NO Right to be in our Congress, making laws for this country, All of U are against Americans and are the ones who Hate, all who are white, or christian!
Why is this mother$#%&!@*er still a representative?