Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Nope….no one else will hand them everything on a platter like they can get here.
Now I KNOW you’ve lost your mind! Just how do you figure that?
Yeah I want it for the Irish to.
Maybe we should be reimbursed for the cost of the war that freed the slaves….
Amen! They’re the racists! Not ALL tho….. there’s still an awful lot of decent people still out there.
Just trying to buy votes since he has lost the black vote
Does the Rangler look like he’s all there…??? Nobody promised 40 acres and a mule… check Snopes…!!!
You know what? I want them too because there were black slave owners. I am of Irish decent, so I want them too. Go to hell Rangel. You are disgusting.
Any living person who was enslaved should receive recompense from the person who enslaved him…not from someone else who had nothing to do with it, but just happens to have the same color skin.
These days of race card will be the start of anew USA their will be a race war people are pushing it and don’t realize it will happen