Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Why do people continue to elect these idiots? Some one else who wants something for nothing. The fact that his ancestors may or may not have been slaves, means only that he has been able to grow up in this great nation. We owe him nothing, or perhaps he would like a free ticket back to Africa.
Charlie and Harry need to go bye, bye!
Who voted this Stupid Idiot in Office ????
Hell on him
Well, gee, I would like reparations for all the Jews who were discriminated against ( and often still are) here in the U.S. for decades,
If the tax payers gave each of them 40 acres and a mule they would still be in the same condition after they ate the mule and sold the land.
Then he should go to Africa, his brothers there are the ones that sold his ancestors into slavery. Go ahead Rangel, I dare you to try and get money from them.!
Racist, Globel Warming and Illegal Immigrants!!! What is the common denominator..I know!!! Lies by The Obama Administration and The Socialist Democrats in America…America are racist, America is causing Globe Warming and Illegal Immigrants are not criminals…
We all been Slaves, shut up already :/