Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
Sly old Black Fox wants to rob the Hen house, the slaves are no longer alive and he just wants more free benefits , not deserved !
Hey, Charlie, when’s the last time you were a slave????
He can suck my left nut if he wants reperations.
Everyone who claims slave ancestry — no questions asked — gets five million dollars.
In Confederate currency.
Those who think of recieving such, will be hanged!
He wouldn’t work if you beat him.
Reparations are not needed, a good education system that prepares students for “real” life demands. Handouts are not the answer. Stop bringing up the past and prepare for the future.
Charlie you are just like all the other trouble making Blacks wanting the government to support you while you sit on your butt doing nothing, any way to get that free money without paying taxes. I spent over thirty years in U.S. Air Force serving my country, what have you done except take.
Rep.Charlie Rangel owes four million dollars in back taxes.He must pay that until he is on the house floor.He and The Rev. Al.Prosper in hate.If we all get along we do not need them.They are racist by proffesion.
Many of my relatives were still in Norway & the Czech Republic until yrs. after the Civil War! Being white doesn’t mean we’re _all_ guilty of something. Many African became slaves when their tribal chiefs sold them into slavery!!! Be angry with those where the real guilt lays!!!