Last Monday Democratic Representative Charles Rangel ranted for slavery reparations during a Congressional response to the grand jury decision on Ferguson.
Earlier this year Rangel stated that the Tea Party is made up of “white crackers.” He states that the Tea Party is southerners that have simply changed their name: “[i]t’s the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.”
A new low in race-baiting…
He stands on the shoulders of those that did suffer. Get over yourself Rangell.
Go to hell Rangel, but pay your taxes first!
HOw stupid can he be i did not own a slave and neither did he
The man is a living lie himself. Oh yea i forgot to pay my taxes. He’s even been sequestered for the tax issue.
Screw you Rangel, you should be in jail for tax evasion, creep!
there is no real slave in this time….the so called black race has been mixed with so many other races. red foxx said black are all different colors mocha, walnut, black and etc. he was right. blacks have intermingled and now there is only african americans or rather if you were born in the usa American. this has gone out of hand . i luv living in this country because it is the only country in the world that you can be anything you want and as long you do not try to take that privlage from another person . its done and we are all growing and are happy.
Rangel is just another blood-sucker, playing to his constituents.
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it aint our fault people had slaves 100 years ago.shut up and go to work.