A San Diego State University student was forced to remove the American flag from his balcony by his apartment complex.
The student, Brad Smith, received the notice to remove the flag one month after moving in into the Boulevard 63 Apartments
“We were then told that it was for political reasons and that the flag could offend foreign people that live here, foreign exchange students,” Smith stated.
I wonder if they would let you fly an American flag in their country?
Who cares what foreign students think about our flag if they don’t like it let them go home and go to school!
I always thought there was a law for Flying the America Flag???
If they are offended they need to go back where they came from & put their flag up????
Tell them to shove it.
I will put the American flag,anywhere i wont,big front window perfect for an American flag,i served this coutry,i will fly our flag anywhere i wont !
Should be a given right!
They can go back to where they came from. Good riddance.
to damn bad
So they are offended. Big deal. When I traveled to foreign countries I was never offended by their flags flying.