A San Diego State University student was forced to remove the American flag from his balcony by his apartment complex.
The student, Brad Smith, received the notice to remove the flag one month after moving in into the Boulevard 63 Apartments
“We were then told that it was for political reasons and that the flag could offend foreign people that live here, foreign exchange students,” Smith stated.
who gives a rats ass. you don’t have the right to never be offended.
Please continue to fly our Flag. Those offended persons can always leave out country – WE ARE AMERICA! You came here – go back there – wherever it is!
To bad! They dont worry about offendng us. SO KEEP OUR FLAG UP
If our flag offends them, why did they come to OUR country ?
Too bad, put it back up and send those who don’t like it back to their caves……..
Leave the Country.
That is against the law per the “Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005” voted on by Congress and the Senate.
If they are so offended go back where they came from. I lived in 4 foreign countries and the US is the only country where people and businesses are proud to fly the flag. It’s a symbol of freedom for which we should be proud….so, just because other countries don’t hold much regard for their flags, we shouldn’t be forced in this “free” (??) country to not hold regard for ours. Other countries don’t buckle to foreigners demands for equal or better rights, they don’t change their language to suit outsiders, they don’t change their religious beliefs to suit others, and they don’t change the laws for people who are in that specific country….so why do they think we need to do all the above to satisfy them? And more importantly, why does our govt think it’s necessary to?
Again,with the flag !
That is sick!fight for what you believe in!