A San Diego State University student was forced to remove the American flag from his balcony by his apartment complex.
The student, Brad Smith, received the notice to remove the flag one month after moving in into the Boulevard 63 Apartments
“We were then told that it was for political reasons and that the flag could offend foreign people that live here, foreign exchange students,” Smith stated.
to Hell with all foreigners they do not like it then stay away from our Country deport them selfs m/f
Its our country its our Flag Fly it high !!
A violation of the Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005.
we can send them packing.
It offends me that they would even ask for the flag to be removed, don’t like are flag, are country, are rules leave its a free country.
You;ve got to be kidding me! It should be the right of any American to fly their flag proudly. I fly mine every day and no one needs to tell me to take it down cause I’d laugh in their face and hang 2 out!!
whose country is this ours or theirs by the way a lot of people with any force thinks we should go down with out any kind of objection at all from our side IF THEY DON’T LIKE SEEING OUR FLAG IN OUR COUNTRY MOVE OUT TO WHERE LOOKING AT OUR FLAG WON”T BOTHER YOU JUST PACK UP AN LEAVE OUR COUNTY WHERE OUR VETERANS HAVE FOUGHT AND DIED FOR THE RIGHT TO HANG OUR FLAG AND FREE SPEECH NOT CONTROLLED SPEECH!!!!!!!!! LEAVE
Key word foreign!!!!!!!!!!!!
then they can leave
What part of “foreign” students did they miss. OUR country! OUR flag! If it offends you, get out of OUR country & go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. Periid.