This is not a simple issue to deal with because there are deeper issues at work than whether Christians should be compelled by law to bake a cake or do photography work for a gay wedding who finds such events contrary to their religious beliefs. While there is a religious freedom issue that looms large, that’s not the only one at work.
In the first place, who owns this business after all? Does a business owner have the right to do prudent as well as stupid things with his or her business? As long as the businessperson is doing no harm, nor engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities, what business is it of the government to butt in? Is it illegal to behave as an offensive, bigoted jerk?
Put bluntly, if a business owner does not want to serve Muslims, African-Americans, Catholics, Caucasians, or any other arbitrary group, should the government really have the power to force that person to do so at law? The business owner is already penalizing himself or herself by the loss of business and profits.
As a society and a nation, we have decided that the answer to that question is “yes.” We find some business decisions to be so offensive that they are matters of public policy, and we will not tolerate business owners behaving in such a discriminatory way.
So now what do we do when a business person is asked to do something that is perfectly legal, but against his or her religious beliefs? More on page two.
We have an American president now let’s see if we can get this fixed ASAP !
No, this is trying to change the country to whatever they want. We were founded in christianity. Clean the house.
There’s zero mention of “religious freedom” in the constitution. Its freedom of expression, assembly, and the right to petition the government to address grievances. It has limits though. Expression may not result in the harm of another or their property and assembly must be peaceful. After countless videos of Imams (Islamic leaders) publicly calling for jihad (killing of non believers). I’d say Islam is NOT protected by the first amendment even if it’s a “religion.”
Muslims need to go back to there evil land, America is gods country, you don’t belong here, and soon you will be sent back
The hell with Muslims , sorry for the language . But im tired of being so correct.
Citizens of America it’s time for us to stand up to our government and take back our country
Exactly, it is time to send these Evil Muslims back where they came from we never hears of this Islamic Garbage when I was a boy, time for an extermination.
why would you offer freedom to non conforming freedom haters?
That is so true!
We have the only president that can bring our country back if democrats and some republican would leave him alone. Democrats do your job instead of looking for something against our president. THAT IS ALL THE DEMOCRATS DO THESE DAYS.