Senator Harry Reid called supporters of Cliven Bundy “domestic terrorists” this week.
Bundy replied, “Talk about terrorists. It seemed like the people who were holding those high-powered weapons against we the people of the stateof Nevada and visiting neighbors, they had to be the terrorists.”
Bundy is, of course, correct. Reid and his son are behind the highly militarized assault on this man’s ‘cattle’ and it’s now know the Reids are working with the Chinese in behind-the-scenes business dealings regarding the land. Reid sent in an army against a rancher for his personal interests..yet the protestors are labeled the terrorists.
This is a pretty straight-forward strategy used by political criminals: blame any opposition in your way of the same crimes you are committing, using the media to gain support of your version of the events.
Another old strategy is ‘divide and conquer’, which is being used right now to forge a coming civil war. Conservatives are more and more being labeled ‘terrorists’. Anyone who opposes the government is being labeled a terrorist. And Americans on the other side, liberals and communist sympathizers, are going to be used as snitches and whatnot to help the communists gain and maintain control.
Old strategies used in Marxist takeovers. But who learns from history these days?
Remember he is from a VERY small territory and a vary small number of people will get him elected back into office.
Looks like my research is proving correct. WAKE UP AMERICA AND STOP PEOPLE LIKE HARRY REID AND HIS CRONIES.
fu harry I willalways be as you call it a domestic terrorist
It’s to bad we can’t fire Politicans when they think their above the law. With out no bennifits.
the vehicles used to build wind turbines and solar panels , carrying equipment and supplies would squash the turtles , harry ??
I agree with everything that has been said and all whole lot of what Mr Steven said but one thing I want to call seeing you again using racial slurs is not going to help this country we have to be united that’s what are government wants us to do is to be divided. and there are just as many ignorant white folks out there are as there are black trust me I deal with them everyday
reid doesn’t care anything about this country, he is all about making money for himself and his Cronies, he just thinks Americans and to ignorant to see through his greed.
I support Cliven Bundy..I am a Veteran, a former Civil Servant and this is not what I served for.
Bundy needs to insist that Harry visit…he is a big mouthed, unprincipled, bully in politics…big a very SMALL man.
I think he is full of it