Senator Harry Reid called supporters of Cliven Bundy “domestic terrorists” this week.
Bundy replied, “Talk about terrorists. It seemed like the people who were holding those high-powered weapons against we the people of the stateof Nevada and visiting neighbors, they had to be the terrorists.”
Bundy is, of course, correct. Reid and his son are behind the highly militarized assault on this man’s ‘cattle’ and it’s now know the Reids are working with the Chinese in behind-the-scenes business dealings regarding the land. Reid sent in an army against a rancher for his personal interests..yet the protestors are labeled the terrorists.
This is a pretty straight-forward strategy used by political criminals: blame any opposition in your way of the same crimes you are committing, using the media to gain support of your version of the events.
Another old strategy is ‘divide and conquer’, which is being used right now to forge a coming civil war. Conservatives are more and more being labeled ‘terrorists’. Anyone who opposes the government is being labeled a terrorist. And Americans on the other side, liberals and communist sympathizers, are going to be used as snitches and whatnot to help the communists gain and maintain control.
Old strategies used in Marxist takeovers. But who learns from history these days?
So glade this is being posted, our in ministration is so out in the Left field.
And just what is he then…
Reid in a domestic communist
im behind bundy all the way, reid needs to be in prison. he’s committed so many crimes against the US he’s running a close second to obama
senile old fool…
The true definition of self implosion.
This guy has lost his mind and should be eliminated before he does any more damage to Americans.
It’s sad to see Americans siding with the government. It’s the law!!! No! It’s wrong!
Reid and the Democratic party are the terrorist and communist bastards .
“Domestic Terrorist” is not a new term, but the way the dishonorable Senator Harry Reid used it this past week, in high publicity of his interview take on Americans supporting Cliven Bundy, added to the changing connotations of American Society by which this current White House Administration has been so obviously orchestrating. This Administration’s agenda to get into the deepest psyche of a majority of Americans, as well as of as many illegal aliens as possible, is easy to see if you pay attention to the language of the politicians and big business people who stand to profit the most, substantially. Currently, the Americans most likely to accept the connotative language uses of these times are that subset of the population whom have already been brainwashed to fear and abhor anyone who refers to or is said to be acting in things related to Nazism, Communism, pro-Racism, pro-Sexism, Gay-bashing, pro-anti-abortion, and so on. This part of the population are so brainwashed they cannot even trust themselves to ever watch a mainstream media news program . These have truly been indoctrinated, and clearly no longer have a mind of their own.
Another term or phrase obvious in the ‘new’ language being used to steer the majority wanted by the anti-American scheming White House Administration is the reference of Putin’s actions in Ukraine “not being 21st Century behavior.” Furthermore, please note any media of which enunciates or emphasizes “Communist,” such as when a recent commentary repeated and emphasized the term at least three times tacked on to the China company that Harry Reid is suppose to be in cahoots with in the taking over of public land there in Nevada. It is difficult or challenging to decide what is real and what is not in some of what we witness for sure, but in all of it, paying attention to what the language is, and on what those speaking repeat more than once in briefing, gives you knowledge of how all of it is being orchestrated toward desired policy, policy of which is wanted to uphold future actions in the minds of those who take their powers for granite, rather than for gratitude and servitude. A prime example is definitely that of “Domestic Terrorists,” because if enough of the crowds start crying, “Crucify them! Crucify them! Crucify them!” then the popular perception will have become one which sees it right and lawful to employ the terms of the NDAA by this or future Administrations. God Forbid! Let us not return to the 17th Century witch hunts! Do you see the irony?