Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) stated Tuesday that he will accept Boehner’s Plan to pass an omnibus spending bill that funds the Department of Homeland Security for only a few months.
The legislation would fund all of government through September 2015 with the exception of DHS, which would be funded only till March.
This move is touted as a way to keep the government open and gear up to fight early next year. But is it really just a way to give Obama what he wants, only feigning opposition?
Boehner you spineless C*** S****R!
way to go u damn sell out
Boehner is a turncoat! And a back door liberal!
Until the citizens of America rise up and say something this will keep happening.
Darn it Boehner, guess you are nothing but a rino!! We voted for change was the reason we voted republican!! Your no better the Harry Reid who should be made to step down!
Time to fire boehner too!!!
Wait… i read some that says it dont fund it, then others say it does.
Wtf is really going on?
Reid just said the other day “its dead on arrival”
Why do they enjoy hell so much that they have togive it to us ?
Boehner had better wake up.