Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) stated Tuesday that he will accept Boehner’s Plan to pass an omnibus spending bill that funds the Department of Homeland Security for only a few months.
The legislation would fund all of government through September 2015 with the exception of DHS, which would be funded only till March.
This move is touted as a way to keep the government open and gear up to fight early next year. But is it really just a way to give Obama what he wants, only feigning opposition?
$#%&!@* is just democrat light, Too bad he wasen’t up for reelection this term, now we have to wait 2 more years to dump this liveral republican.
Damn pussies.You can’t trust a man who cries on National tv cause he got the speakership. He’s bought and paid for. All of them ought to be in orange jump suits and do a perp walk!!!!!
Boehner – quit being a RINO ! ! ! ! !!~
Restructure of Govt. Authority needs to be start Now. They need to Know Who Their Boss Is. That would be We the People.
Fire everyone of These Idiots.
No ! Somebody stop these two fools !
Any plan, except to delay til after Republicans control the Senate, is betrayal of the Voters.
The GoP has been selling us out for 6 years now, are they going to continue for the next two years? Will they help him continue to become the first American Dictator? The Tea Party needs to get the GOP in a closed session and work out a strategy to stop all this BS.
we voted the republicans in to stop obummer not to help him. shame
Are these the only two people that make decisions for Congress. If so we don’t need to be paying the rest of them. The rest of congress needs to step up and do what the people who elected you want. You are the people’s representative. Not Odumbasses