Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) stated Tuesday that he will accept Boehner’s Plan to pass an omnibus spending bill that funds the Department of Homeland Security for only a few months.
The legislation would fund all of government through September 2015 with the exception of DHS, which would be funded only till March.
This move is touted as a way to keep the government open and gear up to fight early next year. But is it really just a way to give Obama what he wants, only feigning opposition?
I sure would vote democratic – they it would be funded forever – get mr o out of office NOW
They all sleep with the enemy ( each other.)
don’t do it !!!!
been telling ya all along that Boehner is a traider and up Obama’s ass
Barry Harry and $#%&!@* at lunch!
look at him scared and saying to himself fk u
Start with Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Boehner and Holder.
Yep 2 of the biggest ones, Boehner is worthless.. no balls.
They are both traitor’s to our country and Obummer boot lickers!