One technique those who are either unable or unwilling to devote the time to creating a cogent argument use to try to make a point is to attempt to associate their opponent with some unsavory group or historical figure. One of the favorites is Hitler. Those who are intellectually compromised or lazy will just throw out claims that someone they despise is, “just another Hitler,” in the hopes of inflicting maximum damage. It doesn’t matter whether the policies of their target bears any resemblance to Hitler at all. Their goal is just to make the connection and the desired damage is done.
Hitler is one of history’s most notorious dictators, but he has a lot of company. In fact, when it comes to the pure brutality of humans killed, there are plenty of twisted abhorrences in the history books who were responsible for many times the number murdered by Hitler. Yet, Hitler is very a popular choice when attempting to denigrate an opponent because people know much more about him than some such as Genghis Khan or Tamerlane. And then there is even the odd resistance to using Joseph Stalin for comparison. Yet his murderous exploits exceeded that of Hitler’s.
More on this ridiculous comparison on page two.
No, we just evicted a really close version of Adolph. If Obama had his way, we would now be a Muslim nation, living under sharia law. What a kick in the head that would be. Remember in
his first
inaugural address, he promised to basically transform the USA from what it was. He almost
did it. Thank you, God, you didn’t let him finish the job!
She is a Fascist
Again. If you are comparing Trump with$#%&!@* you are a special kind of dumbass.
You are so ignorant. Bamma followed and still is following$#%&!@*s playbook. You must be speaking garbage just to agitate.
She is the real fascist.
Totally nuts!!
No lady, your speech is more fascist than anything President Trump has said. You are dangerous and a loon!
Your following Marxist, communist rulebook. Which one will win? Not you.
Hitler was a leftist moron