It is a far cry from what the media and Obama are telling the public. The Muslim “refugees” are invaders, not poor, helpless families. In Budapest swarms of them chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “f**k you” while others in Italy attacked an old lady and threw feces at bystanders even as Germany announced that it would be prepared to take 500,000 of these Islamists every year.
Read more about what you are not seeing on the next page:
Religion of Peace ! What a false claim.
A step below roaches
So disgusting and ungrateful.
How Islamic State members get into & out of Syria:
People who leave to get to Syria do n ot tell anyone, not even family. Travellers to Syria usually w ant to reach Turkey. But for safety reasons, they buy a ticket for an indirect holiday country like Spain or Greece so their destina tion doesn’t seem su$#%&!@*ious, (note: they buy a 2 way ticket [go an d return type] to avoid further su$#%&!@*ion [even if they plan on never using the return ticket]).
Once in Spain, Greece, or any Europe country, they then buy another ticket to go to Turkey, (some people lately have started travelling by Ship/ferry, or car/bus because there is less scrutiny and less checks.)
When a person reaches Turkey, they wi ll rent a hotel and make contact with someone in Syria. This i s often done by a known Twitter contact. A contact is importan t because once a person is in Turkey, they will require protecti on in addition to not knowing where to go to, or who to trust.
1 – The most common method used to be (2012-14) to simply make contact with a friend before cro ssing the Syrian Baab al-Salaam or Baab al-Hawwa border crossi ngs, and the traveller dresses casually and does not look re ligious. In cases like this, the Turkish border guards might have give n them a visa. Then the person may meet their contact before or after, but near the crossing in one of the refugee camps. However, sometimes the visa was refused (unless a bribe coul d possibly be paid). If refused, a person was sent back to Tu rkey.
2 – Updated method [2014-2015]: Many emigrants now enter Turkey, go to a hotel, and then conta ct their Twitter contact. Their contact will leave Syria, meet them in their hotel (its important to meet before crossing for security) and they will together go to Sanliurfa in Turkey (b order crossing: Tal Abyad [Akcacale in Turkey] (see map) – it i s safer because it is closer to al-Raqqah -the capital of the Islamic State- in Syria.) There is no border crossing here, but there may b e guards on the long Syrian-Turkish b order. You both look around, and if the coast is clear – they run as fast as they can into Syria, and g et into a car of a friend and go to Raqqah. (there is a story of someone reaching Raqqah simply with google map s and a wire cutter [if any barbed wires come in the way]).
And they want to bring them here.
They aren’t happy Anywhere!
1.4 million last year. 10 million this year… and they hate us. People Think ahead a little. This will be The CHANGE” they will be hanging the Gays & burning Your Grandmother in the streets because she is a Christian.
Love this.
dogs. they are beyond filth