It is a far cry from what the media and Obama are telling the public. The Muslim “refugees” are invaders, not poor, helpless families. In Budapest swarms of them chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “f**k you” while others in Italy attacked an old lady and threw feces at bystanders even as Germany announced that it would be prepared to take 500,000 of these Islamists every year.
Read more about what you are not seeing on the next page:
The crusades are another Muslim lie , what happen then was they were slaughtering Christians , they had it coming
And Obama wants them to come here.
That is what he wants to bring here
Why would you want to feed them at all
Cannot allow people in this country who are chanting the kind of language we should be very, very, concerned about! If Obama wants to to this……we must stop him or forever regret this…….he has done everything to destroy this country……we must stop him now!
Like a child, they don’t mention what they did !!!
Fix: Napalm
So ungrateful for everything that is handed to them!
I knew they were animals but throwing c**p is just another confirmation that they need to be treated like wild animals. Purge the animals
Shoot all goat humpers! Allah is not god! Mohammed was a pedophile and a butcher. I’ve fought them before, on their land, killed many. Bring it to our land, and there will be no rules of engagement, no military leaders telling us we can’t do what needs to be done, no limit on how mean and nasty we will get! My advise to those who follow Allah, go back to your seventh century country, and leave us alone. Because you will not like what happens when you actually do wake the sleeping giant. All we did is roll over in our sleep on 9/11/2001, and look how much we did. If you actually wake us, you will cease to exist, Mecca will be a sheet of gl$#%&!@*!