It is a far cry from what the media and Obama are telling the public. The Muslim “refugees” are invaders, not poor, helpless families. In Budapest swarms of them chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “f**k you” while others in Italy attacked an old lady and threw feces at bystanders even as Germany announced that it would be prepared to take 500,000 of these Islamists every year.
Read more about what you are not seeing on the next page:
but u cant stop them because they will need a majority to get to vote for a new muslim american president so they trying to build population by tricking mad america blacks and whites
Hopefully the 10,000 they want to bring here aren’t from this group.
Thank you obumner, keep up your sh—. I hope they find your home and you let them stay with you.
Obama is welcoming tens of thousands of Muslim refugees into U.S. cities without the slightest pretense of conducting any type of vetting. He has unilaterally decided to bring upwards of 70,000 more so-called (emphasis on “so-called”) Muslim refugees. United Nations officials applaud him for his agreeing to SECRETLY allow 70,000 Muslim refugees to “legally” enter the U.S. as part of the an international resettlement program, and Obama is supplying the Green Cards and FASTTRACKING them to Citizenship. Homeland Security’s Immigration Service will be the issuing of Social Security numbers and work permits WITHOUT DOING ANY Security checks.
Drop a bomb in middle of them , this is all so stupis
kill them all
Allah is not pleased. Inshallah not “Allahu Akbar and F**k You” Jihad HadJi. Sim Sim Salabim monkeys. your reigh over this Planet is over. You did not creat the land so you can’t claim it but it claims you All the time. No Mercy to the Merciless, Death to the Death Dealers. as for the Meek, Go in peace to love and serve the Creators.
So, we are to understand that normal people are prone to carry excrement around with them, “just in case”?
This is the evil OBOZO wants brought into OUR AMERICA …. This must NOT happen ..
Will throw s**t but won’t touch pork. You know you’re a Muslim when….