When it comes to refugees in Western Europe, the people of Belgum can’t seem to recognize a lost cause. In a “shocking” turn of events, the number of sexual assault cases are continuing to increase, despite various refugee centers putting young male migrants through sexual education and harassment courses. The latest incident involved a sixteen year old, who was charged with raping a female employee at the Red Cross Flanders center in Menan.
The minor, who had been staying at the center for the past five months, allegedly followed the young cook into the basement and raped her. A spokesperson for the Red Cross Flanders said that this young man had had his eye on this girl for quite some time. A judge ordered the suspect to be detained in youth custody until his next hearing. Despite this, the people who run the center have said that it is unfair to extend the blame to all 5,000 people at the shelter.
Read about their sexual harassment course on the next page.
What do expect from a barbaric culture. They have not change or improved in 2000 years.
You can’t retrain these evil followers of Islam! Study up. Read up.
Muslim are Satan Worshipers and Need to be Sent Back in Bodybags
Am I mistaken? He had just attended a class on rape? And he didn’t know any better? Did he learn in class that it was okay? Then the teacher is a fool!
You can’t undo centuries upon centuries of culture being backwards
Until she is the victim !!!!
wait a minute….. a class on how NOT to rape. For Heavens sake what has happened to this country.