With one boy dead and a young girl saved from a sexual assault, one would think the media would be in a frenzy to cover this story in Sweden. Yet the coverage has been a cover-up according to the father of Arminas Pileckas, who died protecting the honor of his fellow student.
Instead of finding the truth, the media has interviewed Syrian father of the 14-year-old immigrant teen and has spun the story making the killer the victim. His father said his son was bullied by Amrnias and that the “school did nothing to help him and establish his honour.”
Establish his honor?
This is the rot on which the media is reporting and not the young girl’s honor that was saved by the courageous young man who took a stand against this predator, as he was dragging her off to assault her.
Read the false report found in the Swedish mainstream left-wing paper Aftonbladet on the following page.
This young man tried to help this girl . God bless him and his family for his brave x
This is what we have to look forward to. We have to take a stand and get rid of this maniac and his regime. He has proven time and again he is a racist and a traitor but no one is willing to put a stop to this madness so it will be up to the American people to take and stand and fight for our country.
So, think Trump would put up with this$#%&!@*??!!
Let the liberal let these assholes live with them in their gun free zones, my neck of the woods is not a gun free Zone, if you catch my drift
The media is hiding the truth and should be held accountable!
that is bull s**t
i would had done the same thing
if i see any refugee do any sexual thing to a girl i will mess them up
Heroic young man gave his life to save another, his reward is in heaven, not in this world.