Does a red list exist created by the federal government that indicates who will be killed upon the beginning of civil war or martial law?
While most might claim such talk is nonsense or the rambling of conspiracy theorists, just take a look conspiracy theories in modern America and you’ll find out more often than not that many have turned out to be true.
Take a look at the documents that support the theory that a red list does exist.
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They’ve already admitted it exist!!
Zucker is now 4th richest$#%&!@*in the world
Lock load and practice
From Mike; Probably is a red list. Just means we’ll have to make our own.
Yes. Veterans, special groups (NRA), gun owners, things like that
If there is such a list, why are they on it? Could they be suspicious potential threats to us? Maybe it’s just random people. What if its all “bad guys” that should get a$#%&!@*in their foreheads.
I’ve been there many times as well, although my crimes were posting anti right wing information, apparently Nazis (Republicans) don’t like dissent.
Of course it does, and I have been personally contacted by two different representatives of FB in the last few weeks because of my views.
I expect something to happen.
Doesn’t matter when martial law is in effect!