While many politicians and scientists are continuing to claim that global warming is a settled science, more evidence is leaking out that supports the theory that global warming is one of the greatest scandals of our time.
The newest figures that dispute the theory of global warming come from the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC). Their data shows that more snowfall fell on December 1st, 2015 than any other comparable day on record.
Evidence like this has caused global warming supporters to scramble in recent years to salvage the believably of the theory itself. Rather than admit that data often directly contradicts the idea of global warming, they re-branded the phenomenon as “climate change.” Now it seems they’ve simply began to ignore and ridicule any person who dares defy their beloved theory.
Their motive may be more sinister than initially expected, though. Continue reading on the next page to see the data, and the possible reason behind the cover-up:
Global warming is nothing but a hoax that our crime syndicate in washington d. c. is pushing to further their agenda , taking away the rights of American citizens and hoodwink the rest of the world .
Don’t worry, they will just change the words again, and pretend that global warming can ALSO create MORE snow. Frickin’ idiots!
They are educated too much or not enough, God is in control of this
Call this what it is……the weather!!!! It changes regularly people!
The global warming claim is like putting a flea on the back of an elephant and saying he’s about to reach his load limit. The climate changes all the time without our help.
Climate clowns…..this government is borrowing a million dollars a minute !!! This itself is an inside terrorist attack! Bankrupt America ?
Um, I live in New York, where it usually has snowed by now and it was 55 degrees in my town today.
Glo b al warming is just a ploy to get money from taxpayers. I have told my friends for years there is no threat from global warming. It it just a big lie being shoved down our throats by Al Gore and his liberal friends.
Yes and as a distraction from ISIS.