As much as President Obama almost certainly hates to admit, business is booming for the gun industry, and his policies are the reason why.
Spending the last year of his term in office trying to go down as one of the most, if not the most, anti-gun presidents in US history, Obama has enacted unconstitutional executive actions that circumscribe gun owners’ rights even more than they already are. Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for us), these measures have backfired in the most spectacular way possible.
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Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
Is executive orders are unconstitutional anyways
They’re suppressers not silencers.
Where’s our Constitution attorneys, these executive orders are illegal.
Are you a liberal Douchebag!? I think so!
I think years from now we’ll find out Obama owns huge stock in the firearms industry lmao!
executive orders aren’t laws
They’re called suppressors