A deeply divided nation has just concluded a predictably divisive election. There were all sorts of lurid predictions propagated through the mainstream and alternative media concerning what might happen depending on which candidate for president prevailed.
These included the always amusing threat of celebrities moving to Canada if the Republican won. As if they’d be missed. Also included in the debate were speculations of states seceding as well as the outbreak of civil war, which would probably be the product of any attempts at secession. (See early 1860s.)
So far, we’ve witnessed all sorts of wailing and gnashing of teeth on the part of the left, as well as some incredibly immature behavior encouraged on some college campuses. We’ve also had to contend with protests that have turned violent. If one were a gambler, the smart money would probably bet on some continued unrest, fizzling out after the inauguration of the new president.
On the other hand, maybe all of this tension over the election of Donald Trump is just a prelude to far more serious conflicts breaking out in our nation. More on this on page two.
There was never a first civil war. That was 2 sovereign nations fighting each other.
Seriously??? Only because the media wants one then
Andy Olmstead First the International Monetary Fund will sink. Then I foresee an emotional reaction to lefty baiting – EX: poor blacks mad about losing their “due” to refugees. Next an explosion of angry picketing & shootings. Add a food shortage & finger pointing blame. There won’t be defined sides – just enclaves /groups shooting & victimizing each other to survive .
I predicted that would happen,I said in 50 years more or less back in 1978 that would happen. Democracy has a limited life span just like communism.
If they jail Soros most of the problems would cease. Let the money dry up and media will go away and protestors will be gone
The lunatic leftist will be no problem and the militant leftist will fold once a lot of thier blood is spilled in the streets !! They will get the message real quick that the chaos they want to create in this country will not be tolerated by the rest of us that want to live in peace !!!
They might unleash one of the badest action heroes alive, Tom Cruise! I hear if he stands on a stool he can bruise up your knees!
No worries!
Yea lets see how that works out for the libs