The 2005 Real ID Act is finally going to be implemented, it seems. The Act requires everyone to obtain a passport to travel between states-so on domestic flights and traveling at state check points, one will have to produce this ID-no longer will your drivers license suffice. The Real ID Act, which taken 10 years to enact, is mostly opposed from those who believe it will violate their privacy. However, only a few states are being singled out for enforcement in the beginning of implementation.
More on Real ID Act next page
Wow, show me your papers! Does this not sound familiar? When are Americans going to wake up say enough and fire these useless dead beat politicians that want to turn America into the next$#%&!@*state? Vote them all out and get some new blood in our government! Stop this madness these paid off idiots are promoting!!!
Get real I.D,s NOW . Were sick of the dead people voting.
The U.S. Constitution and My .308 begg to differ.
You have to upgrade your licence, which requires a birth certificate or ss card
obama’s amerika. tick. tick. tick.
How could this even be legal? We are guaranteed free travel within the states, that’s why there are no border crossing between states. I believe it’s unconstitutional, but before it’s brought before the Supreme Court they will get away with it, getting it before the SP could take years.
why do i need a pasport too travel in my owne country then we let all these border jumpers in with out one
This type of checking started after 9/11, I always carried a copy of Birth Certificate with me while being a truck driver, any state near the Canadian border always had Customs check points
The freaken goverment can’t do this as it is written/unconstitutional